The Art Room

I was so amazed! When I entered my sister’s classroom, everything caught my attention. I moved from picture to picture. Everything looked fantastic.

My sister said that this was her Art classroom. She introduced me to her teacher. His name is Mr. Tabu.

Mr. Tabu is so talented. He was colouring a picture of some leaves. Look at it:

He said he was going to do another one afterwards.

I asked him to draw a picture for ME to colour too and he did! Right there on the spot! Look at how easy his hands moved to make this beautiful flower:

I could not believe my eyes!

He showed me how to mix the yellow and blue crayons to make green for the stem of the flowers. He also showed me how I should colour the petals.

I walked around the art room some more and took pictures! Here is a glimpse of what I saw:

I saw this picture and Mr. Tabu said that it is a painting of buildings in the destroyed capital, Plymouth. I had to take a picture of it. Do you know where this is?

I asked Mr. Tabu to take a picture with me. I am so happy that I met him.

Whenever you get a chance, you can visit the art room at my sister’s school.

4 thoughts on “The Art Room

  1. Rowmelda Coward

    Art was and still is one of my favorite things to do in my spare time. I think that I would have felt just like you did if I were in that room. What a wonderful job Mr Tabu has, and what a talent he is! Enjoy colouring in his drawing Kearah!

  2. Pingback: PRIME – Kearah Ryan

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