When I got home from school, my Mommy said that she had a surprise for me. She unrolled some paper and there they were, some beautiful bird posters!

I quickly pointed out the birds that I saw on the Shorebird Watching tour and the ones I saw in my backyard when I was Feeding Hummingbirds. In the picture below, I am pointing to the Montserrat Oriole and the Purple-throated Carib.

Here is a closer look at the posters.
The Montserrat Oriole was declared a National Bird in 1982. That was such a long time ago. (I know someone who was born in 1982, but she says she is not old!)

In this poster below, can you see the Purple-throated Carib? There is a Green-throated Carib too. I would really like to see the Antillean crested hummingbird.

Do you remember the picture of this bird from my Shorebird Watching? It is on the poster too!

Have a look at this Shorebirds of Montserrat poster and see if you can find it.

Did you find it? It is a semipalmated sandpiper.
Have a closer look at all the other shorebirds.

Did you know that these birds depend on wetlands. We celebrated World Wetlands day on February 2nd and we were reminded to protect the environment. I got an amazing sticker from Miss Thiffanie.

I quickly put it on my tablet.

The Department of Environment also had some other cool posters. Mr. Mendes gave me one about the Montserrat Pribby. It is an endemic plant.

And another one about the Montserrat Orchid. It is an endemic plant too!

And this one about the Mountain Chicken. Some people think that the Mountain Chicken are chickens, but they are not. They are frogs!

The Department of Environment has Fridge Magnets too! In this one, the Montserrat Oriole is standing on the red Heliconia, which is our National flower.

If you get a chance, you can stop by the Department of Environment to get a poster of your very own.
Ooooooo, so much information on birds. You are a very knowledgeable scientist. I wish I was as smart as you. Don’t stop learning about all you can. Keep up the good work Kearah ???.
I can’t wait to come bird watching with you really soon! What a lot of knowledge you have already. ???
Hi Kearah,
Wonderful information. I have my binoculars and I would like to go bird watching with you.
I live all thing in nature.
Riley H D
Hi Kearah,
I have finally viewed your page and I thoroughly enjoyed it. That “Purple throated Carib” took my breath away.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and Jesus.
Thank you too ☺