One day, I was searching on the website for more books in my favourite book series called “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”. I really like these books and I read them whenever I get a chance.
Here I am reading one them when I was in London. It was raining cats and dogs outside, so I read while we waited for the rain to go away!

So, while checking out the website, my Mom told me about a girl named Coryn who likes these books too. She is from Trinidad and Tobago or T&T (for short) and she decided to write seven books by her seventh birthday!
I knew I wanted to meet her!
To my surprise and delight, we learnt that she was going to come to Montserrat for the Alliouagana Festival of the Word Literary Festival – AFWLitfest for short. I was super excited.
I told my friends at school and they said her name sounds like one of my special friends’ name. That special friend was in Grade K and Grade 1 with us, but did not join us for Grade 2. I miss her soooo much.
My Mom surprised us with tickets for a movie night showing “The Fab 4 and Deep Blue”. Look at the flyer below.

Mom said that I might get to see Coryn there. Once again I got all excited.
When we got to the Cultural Centre that night, I asked the organizer of the AFWLitFest, Miss Nerissa, if Coryn was there. She said yes!
I hurried in to see if I could find Coryn. She was there with her Mom. I was so happy to introduce myself.
She was very smart and kind. I told her about my favourite book and she shouted, “That’s my favourite book too!”
We both want to get all the books in the series for our collection.

We got popcorn together and talked for the rest of the evening. Coryn showed me the name of one of her books on the book arch – Chronicles of Coryn. I would probably get my hands on one of her books soon, if not all seven!
It was great meeting Coryn. I hope she can come back to Alliouagana – Land of the Prickly Bush – Montserrat soon, or maybe I will meet her in Trinidad one day.